Our Mission

Our Mission

Technology empowers innovation to create value and improve productivity, across a variety of sectors.

Within fintech, advances in AI, blockchain and other technologies are disrupting incumbents to create new business models, improve services and improve living standards.

FinTech challenges the status quo. It allows us leverage technology to provide better financial services.  Whether its fighting inequality or financial crime, fintech workers are purpose-driven people, passionate about making a difference.

Whether you are an individual looking to learn more about the sector, an employer looking for talent, or an educator facilitating skills development, we want to hear from you. Our objective is simple; to facilitate engagement between these three stakeholder audiences.

To achieve this; we provide a ‘skills’ agenda at our events, host round-table events, and host career-booster webinars. In time, we aim to facilitate a mentoring programme and develop a fintech apprenticeship programme.

By working with industry and educators, we assist with the development of training resources, to make them practical and relevant to employers by using real world case studies and lessons.

We encourage these stakeholder groups to embrace high standards of education and lifelong learning, to improve social mobility, professional wellbeing, and shareholder profits.

FTN Skills Steering Committee

FTN Skills Steering Committee

Our Skills Events

Our Skills Events

Our Skills Partners

Our Skills Partners
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